Friday 22 November 2013

Malacca Trip 3!!! (Satay Celop)

Have you heard of Satay culop? If no, then you must see this. Satay celop is only available in Malacca. Satay culop are food you put into the satay sauce. This restaurant is the most famous in Lorong Bukit Cina and it is known as Capitol Satay. As you can see, the whole restaurant is fully packed with people. People are willing to wait in the rain just to taste this satay celop. I'm one of this people who waited in the rain with an umbrella. And finally, it's my turn.

Capitol Satay

 Can you see the signs. haha!! Funny!!
Can you see the queue?

 The restaurant's not that big, this is it.
First, go to pick some food. Can you see these. Pick as many as you want, but of course, you're gonna pay for it.


You can't eat first. Wait till they put on the cover and add ingredients.

 Then, start putting your food in it. It's kind of like steamboat. Just wait for it to boil and it is ready to eat. YUM!!!

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